Meet P.D. Kuch

Dana Lemaster

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Picture by P. D. Kuch

This week we're chatting with author P. D. Kuch, creator of the "Oxford Girls" series. Please tell us about your current line of work and how you got started in it.   

First of all, thank you for your invitation. It's a pleasure to share my writer's journey with your readers.  Writing a book was always on my bucket list. Although I had a few ideas before, it was only when I visited my friend in Oxford that all the pieces came together.  As a place, Oxford seemed to be the perfect location and became the focal point of my little series "Oxford Girls".  I was always fond of dark academia mood. All the atmospheres of old and new, knowledge and mystery, tradition and contemporary, omnipresent in this city of colleges and vibrant new ideas, made me want to share my perspective of the world. The "Oxford Girls" series is not a sweet postcard from this unique place or another coming-of-age story. Let the first two parts, **"Volume One - Alex"** and **"Volume Two – Rebel"**, don't fool you. This planned five-volume series becomes darker from the third part and will question your understanding of the world, throwing you out of your comfort zone into the murky reality. Still, being an ardent fan of humor, I incorporate plenty of funny situations and dialog to not overwhelm my readers.  I am now in the middle of writing **"Volume Three – K.C."** of the Oxford Girls series and, so far, find it even more energizing and engaging, although I love the first two books. The third part will reveal the sinister logic and dark powers behind the fate of the main protagonists.  I am pleased with the success of the first two parts. Over forty reviews, most of them very positive, with an average rating of 4.5 stars on Amazon and 4.6 on Goodreads, give me great satisfaction and a sense of support from my readers.

Do you have any mentors or sources of inspiration?

Unfortunately, I do not have a mentor for my writing adventure. However, during the constant book promotion process, I met many great authors and supportive people. I would like to take the opportunity to greet my fellow authors and content creators from the writers' community on X (formerly known as Twitter).  I find inspiration for my work everywhere: in my academic career, in interesting quotes seen on Tumblr, in everyday news, or in a random incident I read about. More important, however, is motivation and discipline to write, to find the focus necessary to push the story forward. Like many, I constantly struggle in this area.

What parts of your work do you enjoy most? Why?

I enjoy the creative part the most. I imagine the scene, the dialog, and the quip interaction between my protagonists; I like to be immersed in a story that has yet to be written. That is my motivation to write another page.  The different and yet very satisfying part is discussing covers for my books with the graphic designer: my work is completed, and I can observe how my ideas are seen by somebody else and transformed into an image – a depiction of the world I created.

What are your favorite things to do when you have free time?

In summer, I like to spend time outdoors, hiking, biking, sailing, or just lying on a beach. A few years ago, I succeeded with my Private Pilot License. When the weather is fine and my finances allow, I fulfill my dream of being an aviator. In gloomy weather, I like to read and play chess or just hang out with my family and friends.

Are there any dream project you'd like to pursue?

From the dream projects bucket list, I am slowly achieving all of them. I have a great family, a house, and a dog; I wrote and published two books, became a pilot, and was recently granted my Ph.D. in law. My focus is instead on improving myself in the areas already accomplished and completing the "Oxford Girls" series.

How can we learn more about you?  

I like to talk with my readers on X and encourage you all to follow me there: and my backup account:

You can also buy my books or read them on Amazon: 

*Oxford Girls; Michaelmas – Alex, vol. 1*:

*Oxford Girls; Michaelmas – Rebel, vol. 2*:

I am also on Goodreads: and Tumblr:

If you are interested in music mentioned in the books, I created a Spotify playlist, "Oxford Girls - soundtrack":

I encourage all readers to post reviews and share their thoughts on my books. A review is important for a writer as it allows for a kind of interaction with a reader and helps improve future creations, so please share your reviews and opinions on our books with us authors.

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